My impulses shifted at some point last month, and I couldn’t bring myself to buy Magic: the Gathering packs anymore. But the endless grind requires me find some small dopamine hit to make it through the day… Before I knew it, I was walking out of Wal-Mart with this:

The next day, I needed more. I saw the polybags, and grabbed the Coconuts robot from Sonic. That wasn’t enough, and I realized that I could easily afford another $5 and get a second polybag. Thus no longer have we Kiki’s Coconut Attack, but Rakshasa.

This set is what pushed me to drop more than $100 on a set. I’m a sucker for anything labelled limited edition. I had fun putting this one together. This will be added to a larger modular building later. I also am now off to get each spaceman classic color.

This is the actual thing I bought, the modular space station. Unfortunately, as you can see below, I hit a snag when a piece turned out to be missing. Two, to be exact. Since I don’t have a collection anymore, I had no way of replacing it until Lego sent the replacement pieces. Which… sucks.

Construction currently halted.
Tags: blog, lego